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Next Level Voice Class

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Planet Bluegrass Song School, Lyons, CO


Join Ron Browning for a fun and engaging class on how to find your best voice and performance. Discover your unique sound through conversation--after all, your singing voice is your speaking voice! Use simple tricks of casual conversation to make your singing have a more intimate and honest delivery. Learn the dos and don’ts of lyric interpretation. Learn about the projection power found in a baby’s cry and learn how to use it in singing for a more soulful expression , or to have more vocal power. Add “cry mode” to your vocal techniques and walk away from all vocal faults and your fear of high notes. And of course this will allow you to walk away from vocal fatigue once and for all. Both vocal and performance techniques will be taken into consideration for the more advanced singers. Come with questions. Guitars and recorded tracks are welcome. Or—sing a cappella!